“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” – Matthew 28:19
Dear Friends and Family,
I am so excited to share with you about an opportunity I have this summer to go on a short term mission trip to Kigali, Rwanda with an amazing group of students and student leaders! This trip is set to take place June 11-22, 2012. We will be serving the local people in Rwanda’s capital, visiting local schools, and being a witness for Jesus Christ to these people. For me, I feel as though this is a trip the Lord has been preparing me for some time for, and I’m thoroughly excited to witness what God has planned!
This past year God has been at work in my heart in a big way! He has been opening my eyes and broadening my worldview. He has been faithfully granting my prayers as I’ve asked, “Lord, break my heart for what breaks yours.” It’s been, and continues to be, both beautiful (as I draw nearer to Him) and heart-wrenching (as I’ve come to realize just how limited my view has been).
“He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” -Micah 6:8

“Do not be merely readers of the Word, and so deceive yourselves, do what it says.” –James 1:22
As much as I’ve enjoyed and learned and devoured information and Scripture along this journey, I am also compelled to serve and to experience firsthand these places I’m learning about. Through it all, Africa has been at the forefront of my thoughts so when I was invited to go to Rwanda you can imagine my delight! Rwanda is often called the heart of Africa. It’s a small, densely populated country that has known pain like few other countries in history have. The genocide that devastated this beautiful land in 1994 where an estimated 800,000 people over the course of about 100 days were murdered and the HIV/AIDS epidemic that continues to ravage much of Africa has left 1 in 13 Rwandan citizens today as an orphan. And yet, Rwanda is a beautiful testimony to the power and healing that comes from picking itself back up, dusting itself off, and pressing onto the prize for which it was called. Reading and hearing about the testimonies of genocide victims forgiving those who murdered their own family members has been so humbling. Indeed, Pius Nyakayiro, who will be hosting our trip in Kigali, and whom I’ve heard firsthand of his story when he visited our church this past winter, has experienced the peace that can only come from the Lord, when looking at the face of the ones who took his family’s life, and sincerely offering them forgiveness and desiring restoration for their souls. How great is our God?!!
My heart for my children
“Do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your hearts as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.” – Deuteronomy 4:9
As I prayed over this trip (as resounding a “yes!” it was for me, I still wanted to make SURE it was within God’s will and not just my tendency to get ahead of myself), I felt a clear response from the Lord. Even though, at this point, the fullness of its meaning remains unknown. God spoke to me, “Go to Rwanda, there is a piece of your story there I want you to get. Bring it back, and share it with your daughters, it will be a part of their story as well.” Many of you may know that Matt and I recently decided to bring the girls home for their education. One major reason I desired this was to have greater opportunity to teach them truths and values based on the Bible. The same biblical worldview I desire for myself, I desire for them as well. I have shared much with them that I have been learning, and I am so excited to set this example by not just teaching them about the Great Commission (see verse at top of letter) but attempting to live it out both here in our own homeland and elsewhere!
My heart for students
“But someone will say, ‘You have faith; I have deeds.’ Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do.” – James 2:18
“A church that lives within its four walls is no church at all.” – Pastor Morgan Chilulu of Zambia
As I mentioned in the first paragraph, the team God has called on this trip is made up almost entirely of high school students and student leaders within the church. One of our high school pastors, Allison Murray, is leading the trip, and the other adults are fellow volunteers I serve alongside throughout the week within student ministries. I have been heavily involved in student ministries for several years now, and am so tickled that God choose to unite my passion for Africa with my passion for students in this way! Most of the students going on the trip I have had the joy of knowing and watching them grow, they are incredible leaders in our church and in their schools, they love Jesus so dearly and I am absolutely convinced God will use this trip to grow their leadership and His will for them even more! As a small group leader within the high school ministry, I’m especially excited to have one of my beloved 11th grade small group girls on the team, as well as one of the girls I led for the past two years who is currently a college freshman. Several other students on the team have a special place in my heart because they have poured into my own daughters lives, serving in their spare time in children’s ministry!
“Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” –Matthew 5:16
I could go on and on about all of the ways God is at work in and around and through my life and the lives of my Rwanda team members, within my church and within the beautiful country of Rwanda. Indeed, my heart could burst and many times tears have threatened to take over just in the process of writing this letter, I so desire to share how great and deep and far and wide the love of our Heavenly Father is and how His love is manifesting itself all around us daily. I’m praying the impact of this trip will be powerful and far reaching, with ripples that will expand over time and distance. As we get ready for Rwanda, I’m praying for God to prepare our hearts, work within the planning and details of the trip, and go before us so that we would be Christ’s Ambassadors, that He would make His appeal through us (2 Corinthians 5:20). Would you consider partnering with me in prayer for this trip? Would you also pray for and consider partnering financially with us as it will cost $3,000 for each person on the team? If you could do one or both of these I would be so grateful and I know and am already praying in confidence that God will bless you for your response.
Thank you so much for your time, prayer, love and support!
In Christ,