Thursday, March 28, 2013

Without Facebook I Am...


The month of March included a commitment to log off of social media entirely.  No facebook, no twitter, no pinterest (gasp!).  I deleted the apps from my phone and it has been glorious.  A small part of me misses keeping up with certain friends, feeling a little out of the loop.  Mostly, though, I'm so relieved to be out of the loop.  Its a tough thing to admit you are so hooked on something.  Immediately I am defensive, "I'm not on it nearly as often as many people!" or "It's just to pass the time while I'm waiting for something else." but it's not.  You are waiting for the kids to get ready to leave, then suddenly they are waiting for you because you have been sucked in to that endless newsfeed, that none-of-your-business debate, or some vacation album from some "acquaintance from high school."  Yeah, there definitely needed to be less of that in my life.  And admitting it was the first step.  There is a place in your heart where the Holy Spirit whispers, "This is a stronghold."  And often we dismiss it refusing to entertain even the idea it might be correct.  But enough is enough.  I needed to accept this was a weakness.  And if your eye causes you to sin, gauge it out.  So says the Lord.  Is spending long periods of time online at the expense of your family a sin? YES! I needed to call it what it was.  So how have I fared without an online presence? Taking back the margin in my life and instead allowing those quiet moments for God to speak or to think through what He has already spoken has been worth the sacrifice a hundred fold!  Will I go back?  Not without tremendous restriction and accountability.  The apps are gone for good.  The logging back in will be for trial.  And should I get sucked in again, then I will gauge it out of my life, never to see so-and-so's vacation pictures again!

My kids and I also unplugged the TV this month.  To my delight and all of their surprise, they have not missed it a bit!  Its crazy when you know that these children are notorious for zoning out when any tv or movie is in the vicinity.  Bombs could go off without a blinked eye between the three of them.  We have had so many fantastic discussions, they have played together beautifully, and have not complained once about the sacrifice I asked them to make.  We have recently talked about what "life after March" will be like and have agreed to greatly reduce and regulate tv watching (i'm certain by now we sound crazy, they were not allowed to watch much tv before, but most recently the rules had become lax), and we have decided that if its still a problem, then we will sell our tv! how's that for extreme?! And the big shock was that the kids all agreed!

I know most of us would quickly agree that the media is in large a big waste of time and that its common knowledge that we all need to cut back.  I was tired of just saying that though. I don't want to talk about wanting a deeper relationship with God, and spending time reading His word, serving His people, praying TO Him, and yet not giving Him those sacred in between moments.  I am finding endless wonder and beauty in those in between moments! I'm finding a renewed spirit and a steadfast heart, a restoration of the joy of my salvation! And yes, even conviction! That blessed conviction that, when revealed and allowed to be worked on and through, leads to maturity and perseverance which must finish its work in us.

Prime time in our household now consists of:

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