Wednesday, November 30, 2011

In These Days

So much has transpired these last few months.
I feel so much a part of .... a purpose.
I feel increasingly drawn to my Lord.
I feel increasingly burdened for His lost sheep.

Missions in general.
The Truth.

I can hardly wrap my head around it but still I am anxious for more!

Our country is so desperate for something to count on, yet we (generally speaking) completely spit in the face of the One who provides exactly what our hearts long for!  How can this be?
Meanwhile, most of the world lives so far below the poverty lines that 25,000 people a day die from hunger related causes.
There are 147 million orphans in the world, desperate for a love.  Christians, where are you? You who have the never ending love of the Father, the love of God that spills out overflowing, where are you?

Can you imagine our country if every professing Christ-follower took responsibility for the lost and hurting people.  If we truly made it our life's mission, all of us, to share the love of Christ with all that we have?  Would there be any hunger?  Would there be any poverty?  Would there be any orphans?  If we lived and loved fully dependent on our Lord, fully engaged in our homes and in our communities?  What if a church existed, where every able bodied family adopted an orphan?  I'm not talking everyone with a big savings account and more income than they could spend, I'm talking every family with a mother and a father, maybe other children, maybe not.  Lets go back deeper, what would the church look like if men loved their wives as Christ loved the church?  What would it look like if men lead the home and women humbly submitted to their authority?  What if parents lead by example to their children and did life with them, not apart from them?  What if we took our own personal debt seriously and every Christian aggressively paid off their debt till there was none? What if women were the picture of godly femininity?  What if a mother and homemaker was a respected vocation?  What if we fled temptation and guarded our hearts against evil?  What if we forgave as we've been forgiven?  Can you imagine such an existence this side of heaven?  I can! I want to anyways, I want to be a part of a revolution where the Truth is not masked or watered down but given in its entirety and received with humility!  I want our country to turn 180 degrees on its heels and I believe the key to this is very simple.  For Christians to start acting like Christians.

Think about it.  If this were to happen, then there would be such a stark contrast between us and the rest of the world (as God desired there to be) that people would surely sit up and wonder.  Why are they so kind?  How are they able to forgive?  Where does that peace come from?  We hold ourselves to such high standards, and to an outsider it seems like an abundance of rules, but the joy and the peace found on the believer shines so bright and so strong that people are drawn, inexplicably, they are pulled in by this strange notion of grace and mercy, they are won over without words, but then they choose to step into that light, and they get it.  You can't explain it, but you CAN get it.  Oh, that people would get it!

We don't need more classes on how to be a Christ follower.  We are taught to death, I feel.  We need to go and be and do!  Act!  We don't need to hear "Everything in Moderation" we need non-believers to say of us "Aren't you taking this to the extreme?" and we say "Yes!! Yes!!  Because its THAT important!"
We need a commitment to be rooted in the Word, to humble ourselves before our maker, to do as the spirit leads, to walk by faith.  We need to fall into bed every night exhausted but also completely on empty because we have given each day our absolute all- nothing held back, nothing reserved for ourselves.  This is the church I long to be a part of.  This is the bride I believe the bridegroom desires.

Lord, let it be.

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